The Difference Between Good and Great

This coming Sunday is the Super Bowl between Kansas City and Philadelphia.  I have no vested interest in who wins or who loses, I am just hoping for a good game.  It has been said that on any given Sunday any team can beat any other team, and it is true.  There can be...

Do What You Have Always Done – Get What You Have Always Gotten

Are you happy with your life?  If you are truly content and satisfied, God bless you.  But if you want more out of life, then the only thing that is stopping you, is you.  Everything you do in life is a choice.  Where you are in life right now is the sum of all the...

A New Year Means New Opportunities

So, what does New Year’s Eve and/or New Year’s Day mean to you?  For many, the night of December 31 is a fantastic party as we say goodbye to 2024 and ring in 2025.  It is an excuse for some to get drunk and to hell with the consequences the next morning.  Been there...

Making A Good Program, Better

Last week I reported on the results of my recommendations for the month of November.  All together, the picks were up 40% for the month.  While that sounds amazing, let’s have a reality check.  Those results would only happen if the picks were made sequentially (ie...

Twopercentgoal.Com Shows 40% Gain For November Picks

If you were a subscriber to the daily email, you would get stock pick recommendations ideal for swing traders.  Unlike day traders, swing traders do not buy and sell a position within a day.  Swing traders have a slightly longer time horizon, usually three days to...

Life is Not Fair, Get Over It

I am dating myself, but one of my favorite bands of all time are The Eagles.  In 1994 they had a reunion tour called Hell Freezes Over and, on that album, they had a new song called “Get Over It”. There was a line in that song that Don Henley rang out, “but the big...