We are all human and we all make mistakes, but just because we made a mistake does not mean we are a failure, quite the contrary.  I have learned more from my mistakes then from my successes.  So what constitutes a failure and how can we avoid it? Take a contrarian viewpoint and realize what it takes to be successful. From there, logic dictates that a failure means you are doing the opposite of what it takes to be a success.

To be successful, you have to have a burning desire.  You really have to want it.  From there, you need a plan.  Having a clear road map gets you there   Within your plan you need goals.  Your goals need to be specific, measurable, realistic, attainable and timely (also known as the SMART acronym).  It then takes work, not necessarily hard work, but smart work. Many of us have been brought up with the notion that you have to work hard, but if your efforts are misapplied, then it is work for the sake of work which is wasted energy.  Finally, you have to be persistent.  As the saying goes, a quitter never wins, and a winner never quits.  If your plan is sound; your goals are realistic; and you work hard to make it happen, then never give up.  Persistence will get you to the goal line.

So if these are the key ingredients to success, then not doing one or more of these will lead to failure.  If you don’t really want it that badly; if you have no plan and no goals; if you don’t work at it and if you don’t stick with it, then you are bound to fail.  There is nothing to be admired about failure, but failure is not the same thing as a mistake.  Mistakes will happen and when they are realized and corrected, it can make your plan better and will make your success that much sweeter because you persevered.

Unfortunately, life is not fair.  There can be times when you do everything right and still lose.  You can also do everything wrong and still win (although incredibly rate).  There could be factors beyond your control.  There could be an Act of God like a hurricane that wipes out your business.  There could be an untimely death of a key individual within your circle.  There could be a 1929 market crash destroying the economy.  While these things can wipe out your tactics for success they cannot be used as potential excuses to not try in the first place.  Worry about what you can control and leave the rest to God. Implement the keys to success and failure doesn’t have a chance.



Source: https://twopercentgoal.com/some-thoughts-on-failure/


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Al O'Grady

Al O'Grady

Financial Writer

Al brings a wealth of expertise in smart investing and financial strategies, and we are confident that his insights will be invaluable to our community. With his deep understanding of the stock market, wealth management, and investment strategies, Al will provide our readers with valuable information and trading tips to help them navigate the financial landscape. Stay tuned for his upcoming articles and join us in welcoming Al to the team!