7 Quick Ways To Optimize Landing Pages For Conversions

When it comes to landing pages, conversions is the name of the game. Why else go through the trouble of running ads on search engines or boosting posts on Social Media, only to fall short of your goals with a poorly designed landing page. Today I will be discussing...

12 Tips to a Highly Convertible Product Page

A couple of months ago, I published an E-commerce marketing strategy guide which received an incredible amount of likes, shares, and comments. First of all, I want to thank everyone for your responses and your feedback. I feel incredibly humbled by your show of...

How To Use Email Marketing To Increase Event Attendance

Welcome to the event manager blog series. Previously, we gave you five tips for marketing your event on Facebook. After all, Facebook is the top social network for event marketers according to a study by eventfarm. That being said, when marketing an event on social...

Top 5 Email Marketing Tips To Help You Find Success

You have great branding, fantastic products and a hard-working team, but if you are not engaging your audience with email marketing through every step of the customer life-cycle, you are likely to fall short of your goals. Email marketing can be highly effective or...

3 Ways Blockchain Is Refining Digital Marketing

When most people hear the word Blockchain, they think of Bitcoin. After all, it is the technology underpinning Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies. While the argument over whether Bitcoin is a bubble or not rages on, the technology behind it, that is the Blockchain,...

How To Hedge Your Portfolio Against Inflation

After a long period of calm, inflation is expected to rise in the months and quarters ahead. This spells very bad news for consumers because when inflation is high, they will need to more money to buy the same basket of goods; in other words, inflation erodes...