So, what does New Year’s Eve and/or New Year’s Day mean to you? For many, the night of December 31 is a fantastic party as we say goodbye to 2024 and ring in 2025. It is an excuse for some to get drunk and to hell with the consequences the next morning. Been there done that. Don’t get me wrong, I like a good time as much as the next guy but dealing with a hangover is not my idea of a good time and not a good way to start the new year. Many will make resolutions like losing weight, exercising, quitting smoking, or some other admirable endeavor only to see that pledge broken within a week. For me, New Year’s Day is a time for personal reflection of my life. A self-imposed report card if you will of what I am doing with my life; where I have been, and where do I want to go.
This New Year’s will be no different. I will examine my accomplishments in life and what work still needs to be done. I have what I call the rocking chair test. When I am in my 80s in my rocking chair looking back on my life, I do not want to have any regrets. I do not want to say, what if I had done this or what if I had done that? For the most part, I have done that throughout my life. I have very little regrets. Maybe a couple, but not many. I have only one life to live and I want to make it count. I am in my 60s now, but there are still a lot of things that I want to do. Twopercentgoal.com will be a major part of my life for 2025.
I find that New Year’s is a time for hope and optimism. I like to think I have always been a glass is half full kind of guy, and this year will be no different. But hope alone does not accomplish your goals. To make your hopes and dreams a reality you just can’t wish or pray for it. You need a plan and a course of action to make it come true. With twopercentgoal.com I have been working on that plan for the past year. My goal is to double my money on the stock market within a year with virtually no risk. I have back tested it thoroughly and I am confident I will make it a reality starting this year.
Money means a lot of different things to people but, for me, it means independence. It gives me the means to do what I want to do in life with no limitations except for the ones I put on myself. If I can double my money with my swing trading strategy, this will help me lead a full life. If you are of the same mindset and are looking for a swing trading strategy to help you get there, sign up for the daily email from me with stock recommendations. It is free for the first 30 days and then $99 (USD) per month thereafter. It pays for itself, and you can cancel at any time if you like.
Everyone should write a bucket list. A list of things you want to accomplish in your life before you “kick the bucket”. Make it a personal goal that you will strike one of those things off your list this year. Even if you are not successful, trust me, you will at least have the satisfaction and peace of mind knowing that you tried and you lived life to the fullest. I hope 2025 is a healthy and prosperous New Year for you.
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Al O'Grady
Financial Writer