This coming Sunday is the Super Bowl between Kansas City and Philadelphia. I have no vested interest in who wins or who loses, I am just hoping for a good game. It has been said that on any given Sunday any team can beat any other team, and it is true. There can be any random act that can cause a so-called upset. One sudden gust of wind pushing a field goal attempt wide right; one icy patch of field causing a defensive back to slip leaving a wide receiver wide open, or one bad call by an official that cannot be overturned by video replay. All these intangibles can be the difference in winning and losing a game, but how is it that great teams consistently overcome these hurdles while other teams do not?
For starters, champions DO NOT make excuses. Those that are good at making excuses are seldom good at anything else. Over the course of a season, every team will encounter the intangibles. Every team will have bad calls going for them and against them. Every team has injuries, and every team will encounter bad field conditions. Yet the cream rises to the top constantly. How is that? Are championship teams that much bigger, stronger, and faster? Not really. Every offensive lineman is 6’6” weighing 300 and can bench press over 500 pounds. Every quarterback is 6’4” weighing 220 and can throw a bullet 50 yards away and every wide receiver and defensive back can run the 40 in under 4.5 seconds. Yes, there are subtle differences. A wide receiver can have one step on a safety and that’s all he needs. A lineman could have a slight strength edge to block a defender creating a hole for a running back to make a huge run. While the physical differences are miniscule, it is the mental aspect that truly determines the winner.
It starts with desire. Who wants it more? it is not the size of the dog in the fight, it is the size of the fight in the dog. Next, have a sound game plan. Brain power trumps muscle power every time. Put your plan into action. Be persistent. Never give up. Have faith in the process. Keep calm. Do not let emotions get the better of you when a bad break inevitably happens. Celebrate your successes and have a sense of gratitude. Repeat the process. This is the difference between great and good. They excel in all these facets while the rest of the pack has not mastered these principles.
Apply these principles to your investing as well. At twopercentgoal.com we have the desire, the goal, the plan, the persistence and the faith in the process. We do not let emotions get the better of us when something does not go our way. We are grateful for the result; we know how we got here, and we repeat the process for continued success. Sign up for the daily email to get the latest stock picks poised for a two percent gain in a week. It is free for the first 30 days, but then $99/mo thereafter. Be a champion and enjoy the game.
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Al O'Grady
Financial Writer